Wednesday, September 2, 2009

...and so it begins

First lesson of enthusiasm: Be willing to get excited about something you've never done before.

First let me say up front that blogs are something I've never understood.

The basic concept seems to involve pouring your thoughts into a prescribed bit of internet space and then expecting people to take the time to read and respond, regularly, to this effort.

To think that, unlike an established columnist, Joe Goober from Hobolkan has an opinion that will set the world on fire seems at best, unlikely and at worst, really narcissistic on Joe G's part.

I don't want to be a goober.

Why then, am I writing this blog, you may ask? Simply to try something I've never tried before and to discover the appeal of the blogging world. It may suck, but if I say that I don't dig blogging (as I've done for several years), then I should at least know what I'm talking about.

I'm thinking about several topics for future postings, and hope to post daily. Not bad for a skeptic, huh? Be forewarned: Things may at times seem really random. But hang in there, I'm learning.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Bravo! Great job! I don't know if I'd be blogging either, if I weren't trying to advocate for my daughter and Down syndrome. I've slacked this summer though. I refused to make my blog a chore! So I am not gonna beat myself up over it. I didn't really get the blogging thing either until I got started with my own. It's certainly a great start!
